tisdag 13 december 2011

Controll your mind 1

Many people today have from almost birth and throughout their childhood been told that they can not do this and that, they must be careful and so on. "Think about what people will say." "You probably do not cope." "You do not have time, you should be doing something sensible instead”
Parents and others have set limits to what you can do and what is appropriate. Setting limits may be necessary at times when you have with kids to do. But parents sometimes do that to get full mind control and to avoid shame for the children's behavior in front of others.

If you have grown up with people setting limits and restrictions to what you can and should do, it is not so easy to be free even if the people disappear from your life. It is easy to go on along the same track and start setting up limits for yourself.
Actually, everyone should have the right to close the door to the past and start on a new, unwritten page that is free from the shadows from the past.
Life is actually quite short and you have the right to be free of restrictions and barriers that parents and others have set up.
At some point in life everybody has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn't fantasized about being the one who finds the ‘silver bullet’ for weight loss? Who hasn't dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?
We often dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that – dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust on the shelves jammed with self-help books.
This is a sad turn of events. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in creating the life we desire, we get caught up in the dull routine of living from day-to-day just barely existing. But you know what? You don’t have to just exist! Life could be so much better, if only you knew how.
To become free from the shadows of the past and pass into the light where everything is possible is like being born again. It takes hard work and training at times to be free from those shadows that limit your options and ability. Actually it does not matter if it is others or you yourself who have painted the shadows into your life. Nevertheless it is entirely possible to get rid of them and become free but it will take some effort sometimes.
It is easier than you think to start up knowing how. The first step is setting goals. You neglect to set goals because you immediately think, “it takes too long,” or “it’s impossible.” So, why bother? This is called stinking thinking. If you stinking thinking such as “I can't do this”, “It's too hard”, “I’m too old/young”, “It's too impossible”, or “No one can do this” guarantees you continue barely existing.
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone thought that? If everyone was content just to exist – what would happen then? There would probably be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human accomplishment.
Also many of the conveniences we use today and take for granted would not have been invented. What would your life be like without air conditioning, inside plumbing, electricity, stop lights, Supermarkets and the list is endless.
Indeed, it is desirable and necessary today that as many people as possible start to think freely and throw their limitations away. We have many big problems to solve on the planet today and it requires decisions and actions from creative and powerful people who think freely and act with responsibility. What would happen to our planet if all people were acting and thinking negatively saying…”It has already gone too far”…”The little I can do means nothing anyway so why bother?” Well of course it would lead to a final catastrophe.
The bumblebee is a great example of limitless breakthrough thinking and adventurous living. Theoretically scientists said it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly. Fortunately for the bumblebee it did not know how to communicate with the scientists. Therefore it makes up its own mind and does the impossible. It flies.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could be like the bumblebee and do the impossible? We can, if only we could remove the “clutter” from all the negatives we’ve heard throughout our lives. “You can’t do that”, “You think you’re better than us”, “It’s never been done in our family”, and the list goes on.
In fact bumblebees are much like humans so we have good reasons to learn from then. There are nice and friendly bumblebees, but also those who are aggressive and may sting. There are bumblebees that are lazy thieves and steal honey from others. They are just like people. But there are of course also some differences between us and the bumblebees. We are no longer in balance with Nature but the bumblebees are. If we can find a way back to balance it would be wonderful. Our beautiful planet could then survive, but it requires people to start thinking freely and act with responsibility to find the way back to the benefit of coming generations.
The people who gave you the negatives are the “scientists” in your life. These people took their own self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs (fear) and handed them down to you. As a matter of fact scientists are of course not always right. Many of them have also been ridiculed and ostracized by their colleagues because they come up with fresh ideas. Sometimes it takes courage to think freely. You have to break through your limiting beliefs and self-doubt and turn your life around.
Holding on to these handed down beliefs is like wearing hand-me-down clothes. That’s all you can do for now, you ‘have’ to wear them. BUT you earnestly wish you could have something new; something just for you, something that fits you now!
Just now something new and fits now is waiting for you. It’s waiting for you to be bold, to imagine the possibilities and unlock your potential. You can have; in fact, it’s your birthright to have the life you dream of. I believe if you can dream it, you can have it, be it and do it. It’s entirely up to you!
There are effective ways to break down the negative barriers you yourself and others have built around you. Start to question limiting beliefs by setting goals. Because once you see them for what they really are ( fear ) you are on your way to establishing an adventurous and new life. Open the doors and let the light into your mind. Let the shadows and negative thoughts fade away. Now it is dawn and a new day in your life.
Write down some goals in your life on a piece of paper. Under one header, list down things ‘I know I can do’. Under another header, write the things ‘I might be able to do.’ And under one more, list the things that are listed under ‘impossible for me to do.’
Each day you should do something to accomplish at least one of the goals under things ‘I know I can do’. Check them off as you accomplish them. As you check off all of your goals under that heading, start accomplishing the goals under the next header and the next.
All doors and options are open for you. You are in command and there are no limitations to what you can achieve. Let no doubts and negative feelings enter into your mind, stay focused on your dreams and goals. Don´t listen to the faint deceitful voices whispering negative thoughts into your ear. Protect yourself from that very carefully.
Your confidence will soar the more goals you achieve and the easier it will become. You’ll discover that the ‘impossible for me to do’ goals are possible after all. You no longer exist; you now live your adventurous life, amazing life, created by your own design.
Think and live as if you already have achieved your goals and realized your dreams.
So dream on! Think big and do the work to attain those dreams.
Are you ready to start up getting rid of your inherited limiting beliefs and live up to your full capacity?

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